Health tips to lose " Fatal Fat ":

(These tips for easy rememberance for very obese patients )
--Enjoy Exercise (Walking, Jogging, Cycling, Swimming, Skating, Treadmill, Yoga, Gym, Aerobics, Pilates)
-- " Bi-CYCLE prolongs your "Bio-CYCLE " (Life-Cycle) and kills pollution
--Goodness of Gym.
--Wellbeing of Walking
--Joyful Jogging
--Yes to Yoga. Yoga is one of the best form of phsiotherapy.
--No to Nuts (Cashenuts, Groundnuts, Coconuts).
--Discard Drinks (Soft/Hot/Coffee/Juices)
--Stop Sweets.
--Forget Fast foods.
--Forget Fats/Oils
--Prefer Proteins
--Comfortable limits of Carbohydrates
--Vital Vitamins
TOP Bariatric (weight-loss ) surgery—A boon for morbid obesity
Is obesity a wild spreading disease?
--Obesity, widely perceived as a symbol of wealth (affordability to buy food) is now viewed as one of the most serious
urban public health problem of the 21st century.
--Obesity is accumulation of excess body fat, leading to increased health problems and in long term, reduced life span.
--Obesity is due to eating more calories than their body uses.
Many obese people disagree the fact that they eat more than what their body height requires.
--Obesity is a disease and a serious health risk. Take action now, and live your life to the fullest.
--Food is only a part of our life. Eat to Live but Not Live to Eat.
--Health is Wealth. Anything in excess is poisonous ( Food-Wealth-Medicine) Fat is Funny, Frustrating and Fatal
What are the health tips to lose " Fatal Fat "?
-- Enjoy Exercise (Walking-Jogging-Running-Swimming-Cycling-Treadmill-Gym-Yoga-Aerobics-Pilates-Games-Dancing)
" Bi-CYCLE prolongs your "Bio/Life-CYCLE " --Goodness of Gym. --Wellbeing of Walking. --Joyful Jogging.
–Stamina of Swimming --Yes to Yoga. Yoga is one of the best form of phsiotherapy. –Powerful Pilates
--Discard/Limit Dangerous Drinks (Soft-Hot-Tea-Coffee-Juices). --No to Nuts (Cashew nuts, Groundnuts, Coconuts).
Stop/Limit Sweets/Sedentary life. Forget Fast foods & Fats/Oils. Prefer Proteins(Egg white-Meat-Fish).
Cup of Carbohydrates. Vital Vegetables/Fruits for Vitamins. Go Green-Green leafy vegetables.
--Avoid/Control ABCD—Anxiety-Alcohol-BP-Cholesterol-Cigar-Diabetes-Excitability-FattyFoods-
How is OBESITY measured?
--Obesity is measured in BMI (Body Mass Index = kilograms/metres2)
--BMI for Indians: Normal 18-23, Overweight 23-27, Moderate obesity 27-33, Severe obesity 33-37, Morbid obesity >37
--Simple way of calculating the upper limit of normal weight is height in centimeters minus 100.
For example, a person of 170 cm, should be below 70 kg.
How are people classified based on BMI?
Severe underweight Underweight Normal Overweight Obese-I Obese-II Obese-III
Moderate Severe Morbid .
• WHO-----------16.5---------------------18.5--------------------25-------------------30---------------------35--------------------40----------------------
• India ------------15 ---------------------18.5--------------------23-------------------27 --------------------33--------------------37----------------------
What are the common health problems due to obesity?
--Breathlessness, Snoring, Knee pains, Back ache, High blood pressure, High blood sugar, High blood cholesterol,
--Heart burn, Leg ulcers, Low confidence level, Decreased quality of life, Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
--Infertility due to PCOD in females, Stress urinary incontinences, Migraine.
What is the solution for obesity?
-- Initial main treatment for obesity consists of dieting and physical exercise.
--Dieting means taking a balanced low calorie quality food in less quantity.
Cut down high calorie food like groundnuts, coconut, cashew nuts, sweets, ice creams, fast foods, soft drinks, hot drinks.
--Exercise include: walking, jogging, running, swimming, cycling, treadmill, gym, yoga, aerobics, pilates, games, dancing.
--Dieting and exercise would work for people with BMI up to 33, beyond which the success rate decreases.
Low calorie slimming powders also come under dieting. Success in slimming centers also depends mainly on dieting.
--So if diet and exercise fails, the most effective treatment for morbid obesity with a BMI >33 is keyhole bariatric surgery which gives long-term weight loss and good relief of previously mentioned health problems.
Therefore bariatric surgery is a type of “permanent force dieting”
What are the indications for bariatric surgery?
--West: BMI 35-40 with co-morbidities or BMI >40 with or without co-morbidities. Simplified: BMI >35 with co-morbidities
--India: BMI 33-37 with co-morbidities or BMI >37 with or without co-morbidities. Simplified: BMI >33 with co-morbidities
How does bariatric surgery help to lose weight?
--Bariatric surgery helps patient to eat less and have sensation of fullness early. Bypass procedure aid mal-absorption.
--The popular weight-loss surgeries are gastric sleeve, gastric band, & gastric bypass, of which bypass is for very high BMI.
--After gastric sleeve and band surgeries, the person eats very less amount of food and have sensation of fullness early.
The extra fat accumulated in the body gets converted to glucose to meet body requirements and thus loses weight.
About 70-80% extra weight will be lost over a period of 4-8 months.
Many people, if combined with regular exercise, have even achieved 100% weight-loss.
--After gastric bypass, in addition to decreased intake of food, there will be decreased absorption of food.
What type of surgery suits to a person?
--The type of operation will be decided by BMI and patient acceptance.
--For BMI 33-44, gastric sleeve & band are preferred of which sleeve is popular.
--For BMI 44-55, mini gastric bypass (MGB) & Roux en-Y gastric bypass (RGB) preferred
--For BMI >55 Roux en-Y gastric bypass (RGB) is the gold standard.
--For short term rapid weight loss, 6 months prior to a target event, G.Balloon is used
--For Younger patients, Sleeve / Band and for Older patients, Bypass is preferred
What is the role of liposuction in bariatric surgery?
--Liposuction (suction of fat below skin) is a cosmetic surgery and not a weight reduction procedure.
--It is commonly mistaken as an anti-obesity procedure.
--The best candidates for liposuction are normal weight or just overweight people, who have pockets of excess fat in certain
areas that do not respond to traditional weight loss methods. Liposuction is best used for body contouring.
--Liposuction is quite useful even after bariatric surgery for shaping of body and to remove residual fat.
--But nowadays, in overweight persons with BMI <27, multiple sitting VASER or LASER liposuction helps to lose significant
amount of weight of up to about 10 kg.
What is the take away message in dealing with obesity?
--Final message is that the main treatment of obesity is a balanced low calorie diet combined with exercise.
--But if diet and exercise fails, and the person has BMI >33 with serious co-morbid health problems, keyhole bariatric
(weight loss) surgery gives long-term weight loss and good relief of previously mentioned health problems.
--Post-bariatric cosmetic surgeries help patient get perfect shape.
What is the percentage resolution of problem?
--Quality of life 95%
--Exertion breathlessness 95%
--Snoring >90%
--Joint pains(Knee,Ankle) >85%
--Diabetes mellitus Type-II 85%
--Hypertension 52-92%
--Hypercholesterol 63%
--Heart burn (GERD) 72-98%
--Depression 55%
--Asthma 82%
--Non-alcoholic fatty liver 90%
--Metabolic syndrome 80%
--Migraine 57%
--PCOD in females 79%
--StressUrinaryIncontinence44- 88%
Bariatric surgery quoted: "ONE solution for TEN problems" and "CURE surgery for Diabetes"
What are the various surgical options for morbid obesity?
Gastric Sleeve: [-Sleeve Gastrectomy--Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy(VSG)--Vertical Gastroplasty:]
--Here approximately 3/4 of the stomach is stapled off along its greater curvature, leaving behind 1/4th stomach along lesser curvature, which is roughly the size and shape of a Banana or Sleeve. --This operation does not involve any “rerouting” or reconnecting of the intestines. Hence it is technically a simpler operation than the gastric bypass.
--Generates weight loss through reduced stomach volume ( gastric restriction) and reduced hunger because Ghrelin (hunger stimulating hormone) producing part of stomach (fundus) is removed.
--Provides satiety with small amount of food and unlike gastric band & gastric bypass, patients feels full with liquids as well.
--Food absorption is normal, with no mal-absorption.
--Results are better than gastric band & hence it is more popular than band in India.
Gastric Banding: The Adjustable Gastric Band is a hollow sylastic band placed around the upper third of the stomach to create a small stomach pouch that initially holds 2 ounces of food, and eventually holds up to 4 to 6 ounces.
--It causes an early satiety with a longer lasting feeling of fullness because the nerves that signal the brain when you're full are located in the upper area of the stomach.
--The band further works by slowly allowing the food you eat to be released into the lower portion of the stomach for digestion.
--Adjustment: About six weeks after surgery, or whenever a plateau in weight loss is reached, the band need to tighten by injecting small amounts of saline into accessory port placed in abdomen wall. This can be done in the outpatient department during follow up visits.
-- It can be adjusted to increase or decrease restriction. --Surgery can be reversed. --Digestion and absorption is normal.
--Now gastric band is less often done as compared to gastric sleeve in India.
Gastric Bypass: (Roux-en- Y gastric bypass / RGB )
--Done for morbid and super obese patients.
--This is a combination of restrictive and mal-absorptive techniques.
--First a small stomach pouch is created with staples. This restricts food intake.
--Then a Y shaped section of the small intestine is attached to the pouch to allow food to bypass the first and second segments of the small intestine. Thereby reduces your body's ability to absorb nutrients and calories and also changes various hormones secreted by this part. --It helps to cure Type 2 Diabetes.
--It’s the time tested gold standard weight loss surgery with definitive results.
Mini Gastric Bypass (MGB):
--Done for morbid obese patients and less often for super obese.
--It is a short, simple, successful and reversible with excellent long term weight loss.
--It is simple and reversible like the band and powerful like the RGB. But unlike the RGB it is easily revisable.
--Now it is becoming more popular than gastric bypass.
Gastric Plication / Imbrication:
--Laparoscopically the stomach is plicated along its greater curvature and a sleeve of stomach is created which can hold less amount of food. Stomach cannot distend so easily and patient gets early satiety.
--Conversion to another type of bariatric procedure at a later date becomes difficult.
--Weight loss results are less compared to gastric sleeve and band.
Gastric Balloon:
--Endoscopically the gastroenterologist places a deflated balloon into the stomach which is then filled with 400-600ml of sterile saline with methylene blue.
--This decreases the amount gastric space and creates a feeling of fullness.
--Patient feel less hungry and eat less. Average weight loss of 5-9 BMI over 6months
--The balloon can be left in the stomach for a maximum of 6 months, after which it is removed endoscopically by the gastroenterologist. Over time gastric acid will weaken the balloon material and cause the balloon to deflate and migrate into intestine.
--It may be used prior to another bariatric surgery in order to assist the patient to reach a weight which is suitable and safe for surgery.
--Popularly used for a short term rapid weight loss, 6 months prior to a target event
Duodenal Switch-DS (Biliopancreatic Division-BPD):
--In BPD procedure 3/4 of stomach is removed which restricts food intake and reduces acid output. The small intestine is divided and attached to the stomach pouch so that the food you eat moves through the intestine with little absorbtion.
--In duodenal switch stomach is sleeved retaining the natural stomach outlet.
--The majority of the small intestine is bypassed so very little food is absorbed.
--This is generally performed in super obese patient.
What is the role of liposuction in bariatric surgery?
--Liposuction (suction of fat below skin) also called lipoplasty, suction lipectomy
--It is a cosmetic surgery and not a weight reduction procedure.
--It is commonly mistaken as an anti-obesity procedure.
--The best candidates for liposuction are normal weight or just overweight people, who have pockets of excess fat in certain
areas that do not respond to traditional weight loss methods. Liposuction is best used for body contouring.
--Liposuction is quite useful even after bariatric surgery for shaping of body and to remove residual fat.
--But nowadays, in overweight persons with BMI <27, multiple sitting VASER or LASER liposuction helps to lose significant
amount of weight of up to about 10 kg.
--VASER liposuction is giving goood result in body contouring.
What are the various co-morbities associated with morbid obesity?
-- Type 2 Diabetes : People who are obese become resistant to insulin (which regulates blood sugar levels). Over time the constant elevation of the blood sugars affects many organ systems in the body. Resultant damage can include kidney failure, heart disease, blindness, and susceptibility to severe infections. Type 2 Diabetes can be cured
-- High blood pressure / Heart disease : Obesity leads to elevated cholesterol/triglycerides and causes the heart to work under extreme conditions. These can result in inadequate pumping mechanisms or poor oxygen flow leading to heart failure, heart attacks, strokes, kidney failure & poor circulation in lower legs.
-- Arthritis : Additional weight is placed on multiple joints and their support structures. These include the knees, hips, and back causing rapid degeneration leading to pain ,inflammation, and lack of mobility.
-- Sleep apnea / Respiratory problems : Fat deposits in the tongue and neck which can block the airway causing a person to temporarily stop breathing during their sleep, especially when sleeping on their back. This causes them to lose sleep and results in daytime drowsiness, fatigue and headaches.
-- Gastroesophageal reflux disease (Hiatal hernia and heartburn): Increased intrabdominal pressure weakens and overloads the valve at the top of the stomach, which then allows stomach acid to escape and irritate the esophagus. Approximately 10-15% of patients with even mild heartburn can develop Barrett's esophagus, which is a pre-malignant change that can progress into esophageal cancer.
-- Depression : People who are obese must deal with constant emotional challenges such as lack of self-confidence, poor self-image due in part to social discrimination. This leads to social isolation.
-- Infertility : Obesity wreaks havoc with male and female hormones, disrupting normal cycles and function, and leading to inability, or difficulty to conceive, or even a miscarriage. The commonest associated condition is PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease)
-- Urinary stress incontinence : Increased intraabdominal pressure stresses the muscles of the pelvic floor compounding the effects of childbirth, which can lead to improper function of the bladder. This results in leakage of urine when coughing, sneezing or laughing or inability to hold the urine until the patient can reach a toilet.
-- Menstrual irregularities : Morbidly obese individuals often experience menstrual disruptions, such as heavy frequent, irregular or absent periods and increased pain during the cycle.
-- Blood Clots : Obesity can lead to faulty valves in the veins that promotes sluggish flow in vessels causing a clot in the lower limbs. The most feared problem is when one of these clots breaks away and floats into the lungs. This is called a Pulmonary Embolus and can be a fatal complication
-- Cancer: Some types of cancers are more common in the obese; e.g. ovarian, endometrial and breast in females, gallbladder and prostates in males to name a few.
-- Asthma : Another complication that worsens with obesity.
-- Hypoventilation of Obesity - The increased weight of the chest wall dramatically affects the efficiency of breathing thus decreasing the amount of oxygen available to the body.
What is the role of non-surgical treatment of Morbidly Obese?
Non-Surgical Treatment includes Drugs, Low calorie Diets and Exercise programs. Drugs (Sibutramine,Orlistat) do not have long term significant weight loss, need to be taken for long time and may have significant side effects. Drug effects are temporary as weight is regained on stopping the drug. Low calorie diets and exercise programs again have temporary effects.
Surgical treatment is the only proven approach to the treatment of Morbid Obesity adjuvant to lifestyle modifications.
--Almost all the above mentioned Co morbidities are potentially reversed by Bariatric surgery

Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance
What is VASER Liposuction?
--VASER is an acronym that stands for Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance.
--VASER Lipo uses a minimally invasive technique called LipoSelection to selectively break apart and gently remove unwanted fat. It uses state-of-the-art ultrasonic energy to emulsify subcutaneous fat and helps its removal by liposuction.
--This ultrasonic energy is highly fat specific and causes least damage to surrounding structures like the blood vessels, nerves, muscles, tendons, bones, joints etc.
--This peculiar quality makes its use very safe and achieve high degree of precision body contouring.
How does it differ from conventional liposuction?
--Regular liposuction involves manual avulsion and aspiration of fat globules. It is significantly more traumatic to the tissue and some injury to the surrounding structures like blood vessels and nerves.
--Vaser lipo involves emulsifying of fatty tissue and its easy safe aspiration of fat with minimal blood loss, less pain and least damage to surrounding structures like blood vessels, nerves, muscles, tendons, bones, joints etc
How is VASER Liposuction done?
--As per your requirement VASER liposuction is done under local, regional, or general anaesthesia
--To begin the procedure, the targeted area is injected with a special saline solution known as "tumescent fluid." Tumescent fluid numbs the target area and shrinks local blood vessels (to minimize blood loss and reduce bruising). It also temporarily expands the volume of the targeted area, making fat cells easier to remove.
--Thin probes are then inserted into the body through tiny holes. By resonating at a high ultrasonic frequency, the probes literally shake loose fat cells, while leaving blood vessels, nerves and connective tissues unharmed.
--The loose fat cells mix with the tumescent fluid, which is then removed from the body using gentle suction.
--After the surgery, patients are prescribed a recovery regimen to promote maximum skin retraction and smooth results.
How is the post operative period?
--You are encouraged to move around as soon as you are comfortable as it will assist in your recovery.
--You are encouraged to drink lot of fluids as to flush your system and maintain hydration.
--You will be allowed a normal meal by the end of the day.
--In case of very minimal liposuction you may be discharged within 24 hours. Usually you will be discharged after 24-36 hours.
But you may need to stay for a few days in the hospital if the fat removal is in large volume.
--The surgical access points may be left unstitched to allow for the edema fluid to flow out. This may be a bit messy as the fluid flow can look worrying to some. You may need frequent change of dressings or diapers till the discharge significantly reduces by 3-5 days.
--In massive liposuction vacuum drains may be kept to take out accumulated fluid and keep the area dry and less messy. These drainage tubes will be removed after 48-72 hours, depending on the amount of fluid being drained.
--Your skin may feel rough and sometimes hyper sensitive for a few days, over time it will rapidly improve.
--Pressure or compression garments are applied to the treated are for 4-6 weeks to make recovery faster and more comfortable. These garments help reduce surgical swelling and make movements very much easier and pain free.
--Your return back to normal activity will largely depend upon the extent of the procedure and also upon the amount of fat aspirated.
--During the follow-up period, any fluid collection will be removed by needle aspiration.
What are the advantages of VASER Lipo ?
--Easy removal of large quantities of fat.
--Least damage to surrounding structures like blood vessels, nerves, muscles, tendons, bones, joints etc
--Less pain, Less blood loss, Faster recovery
--Precise sculpting of delicate areas of the body.
--Fat collected by VASER liposuction is ideal for fat transfer into other body parts like breast, buttocks, cheeks, etc.
How is VASER useful for fat transfer?
--According to a recent study conducted at the University of Pittsburgh, human fat harvested by VASER ultrasound-assisted liposuction (Sound Surgical Technologies LLC), is as viable as fat collected by conventional suction asiisted liposuction, with nearly 80% volume retention.
--Hence the highly selective nature of ultrasound energy promotes increased fat viability, making it ideal for fat transfer procedure.
--Fat collected by VASER liposuction is ideal for fat transfer into other body parts like breast, buttocks, cheeks, etc.
Where is VASER Lipo commonly used?
VASER Lipo is most commonly used for:
--Six packs abs.
--Tummy (Abdomen)
--Side loin tyres (Love handles)
--Sides of thighs (saddle bags)
--Male breast (gynaecomazia)
Other sites where VASER Lipo is used:
--Face and Chin
New year launch:" Happy News for Happy New Year 2013". After the 1st Bariatric surgery and 1st VASER Liposuction, Nikitha hospital is coming up with 1st VASER Shape for Vizag.
Note: VASER Shape is a " Non-Surgical Treatment for Fat Reduction ", strictly for " Body Shaping and Tightening ".
It is to be considered as an INCH-LOSS procedure rather than a weight-loss procedure.

Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance
What is VASER Shape?
--VASER is an acronym that stands for Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance.
--VASER Shape is a non-surgical, non-invasive treatment in which high-frequency (1MHz) Ultrasound energy and Zonal lymphatic massage therapies are applied in conjunction over the skin which increase local blood circulation, reduce the appearance of cellulite thereby offers visible body shaping. Each session smoothes firms and shapes the body.
How does it differ from other non-invasive treatment options?
--Unlike other non-invasive body shaping procedures, VASER Shape is a comfortable massage-like treatment that only requires three to five sessions for noticeable results.
--VASER Shape gives superior results over other non-invasive treatments.
How is VASER Shape treatment given? And how does it work?
--VASER Shape treatment is done as a daycare procedure in three to five weekly sessions of ultrasonic and massage therapy. It is non-surgical and does not require anesthesia of any kind. It doesn’t need admission into hospital. The patient goes back home after each session. Each session smoothes firms and shapes the body.
--During Ultrasound therapy a special concave hand-piece which is moved gently over the skin along the contour of the patient's body. This hand-piece delivers two beams of ultrasound energy which pass through the skin into the fatty tissue that is one to five centimeters below the surface of the skin. This ultrasound energy warms this fatty tissue, promotes fat cell mobility and encourages the body to metabolize, drain or reabsorb excess fluids. During ultrasound therapy patient feels gentle warming of the skin, a feeling similar to a deep tissue massage.
--During Zonal lymphatic massage therapy another small hand-piece which is moved gently over the skin in the direction of body lymphatic drainage. This hand-piece delivers vacuum-assisted massage that helps to open the lymph nodes and drain away excess toxins and lipids for removal from the body.
--Zonal lymphatic massage is recommended for all VASER Shape patients immediately following ultrasound treatments.
--Zonal massage is gentle enough to be used after liposuction to encourage faster healing.
--Results with non-invasive treatments are typically less dramatic than that achieved with minimally invasive techniques, like VASER Liposelection.
How is the post treatment period?
--Following the treatment, you can resume normal activity without pain or downtime. Your skin may appear slightly pink and feel warm due to the increased local blood circulation in the area. This should resolve itself within a few hours after the treatment.
--You are encouraged to follow your regular diet chart and regular exercise.
--VASER Shape along with Diet and Exercise will give an execellent result.
--Diet and Exercise are the key factors to maintain the results achieved with VASER Shape.
What are the advantages of VASER Shape ?
--VASER Shape is a non-invasive, non-surgical technique.
--Non-invasive means no cuts, no incisions, and no surgery.
--Non-invasive treatments typically have little-to-no recovery period and few side effects.
Where is VASER Shape commonly used?
VASER Lipo is most commonly used for:
--Tummy (Abdomen)
--Side loin tyres (Love handles)
What kind of results you can expect ?
--You can expect a temporary reduction in the appearance of cellulite.
--Areas treated with VASER Shape appear more smooth and "natural-looking" than before the treatment.
--Although VASER Shape is recommended for a wide range of patients, you should be realistic about the kinds of results you expect from the treatment.
--VASER Shape is a " Non-Surgical Treatment for Fat Reduction ", strictly for " Body Shaping and Tightening ".
--So expect a realistic Shape and Inch-loss rather than an ambitious weight-loss.
How soon will you see the results of VASER Shape ?
--While you may see results after the first treatment, patients typically see the most visible results after a regimen of three to five sessions.
Summary of Obesity management
Obesity, widely perceived as a symbol of wealth (affordability to buy food) is now viewed as one of the most serious urban public health problem of the 21st century. Obesity is due to eating more calories than their body uses. Many obese people disagree the fact that they eat more than what their body height requires. The secret is learning how to balance your "energy in" and "energy out" over the long run. "Energy in" is the calories from foods and beverages you have each day. "Energy out" is the calories you burn for basic body functions and physical activity.
A balancing act: Where is your energy balance?
--Maintaining weight — Your weight will stay the same when the calories you eat and drink equal the calories you burn.
--Losing weight — You will lose weight when the calories you eat and drink are less than the calories you burn.
--Gaining weight — You will gain weight when the calories you eat and drink are greater than the calories you burn.
So Eat to Live but Not Live to Eat and get rid off Fat which is Funny, Frustrating and Fatal.
Obesity is measured in BMI (Body Mass Index = kilograms/metres2.
BMI for Indians: Normal 18-23, Overweight 23-27, Moderate obesity 27-33, Severe obesity 33-37, Morbid obesity >37. Simple way of calculating the upper limit of normal weight is height in centimeters minus 100. For example, a person of 170 cm, should be below 70 kg
Common health problems due to obesity: Breathlessness, Snoring, Knee pains, Back ache, high Blood pressure, high blood Sugar, high blood Cholesterol, Heart burn, Leg ulcers, Low confidence level, decreased quality of life, infertility due to PCOD in females.
Main treatment for obesity consists of dieting and physical exercise. Dieting means taking a balanced low calorie quality food in less quantity. Exercise include: walking, jogging, running, swimming, gym, yoga, aerobics, games, dancing. Cut down high calorie food like groundnuts, coconut, cashew nuts, sweets, ice creams, fast foods, soft drinks, hot drinks.
Dieting and exercise would work for people with BMI up to 33, beyond which the success rate decreases. Low calorie slimming powders also come under dieting. Success in slimming centers also depends mainly on dieting. So if diet and exercise fails, the most effective treatment for morbid obesity with a BMI >33 is keyhole bariatric (weight-loss) surgery, which gives long-term weight loss and good relief of previously mentioned health problems. Therefore bariatric surgery is a type of permanent forced dieting.
The three popular weight-loss surgeries are gastric sleeve, gastric band, and gastric bypass, of which bypass is done for very high BMI. After gastric sleeve and band surgeries, the person eats very less amount of food and has sensation of fullness early. The extra accumulated fat in the body gets converted to glucose to meet body requirements and thus loses weight. About 70-80% extra weight will be lost over a period of 4-8 months. In gastric bypass, in addition to decreased intake, there will be decreased absorption. The type of operation will be decided by BMI and patient acceptance.
Liposuction (suction of fat below skin) is a cosmetic surgery and not a weight reduction procedure. It is commonly mistaken as an anti-obesity procedure. The best candidates for liposuction are normal weight or just overweight people, who have pockets of excess fat in certain areas that do not respond to traditional weight loss methods. Liposuction is best used for body contouring. Liposuction is quite useful even after bariatric surgery for shaping of body. But nowadays, in overweight persons with BMI <27, multiple sitting VASER liposuction helps to lose up to about 10 kgs.
Final message is that the main treatment of obesity is a balanced low calorie diet combined with exercise. But if diet and exercise fails, and the person has BMI >33 with serious co-morbid health problems, keyhole bariatric (weight loss) surgery gives long-term weight loss and good relief of previously mentioned health problems.
--Diet and Exercise is the "Main treatment of obesity".
--Bariatric surgery is the key-hole weight-loss surgery for "Significant Weight loss" in morbid obesity.
--Liposuction (suction of fat below skin) is a pin-hole cosmetic surgery for "Body contouring and Inch-loss" with minimal weight loss.
--Non-surgical fat reduction is strictly for " Body Shaping and Tightening ".